The Limited Times

Exhibition Giorgio Vasari: more than four centuries of investigation

4/27/2022, 5:17:11 PM

CRITICISM – The collection of drawings by this first art historian, dismembered after his death, has become legendary. The Louvre takes stock of what remains of it today.

What we know of the master artists of the Italian Renaissance, we owe above all to Giorgio Vasari, born in Arezzo in 1511 and died in Florence in 1574. Author of the

Lives of the most excellent painters, sculptors and architects

, the man is above all

considered the very first art historian.

However, Vasari was also a Mannerist painter, an important fresco painter if we judge by what we can admire, for example, inside the dome of the Duomo of Florence or in the great hall of the Palazzo Vecchio (where his work covered famous projects, initiated by Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci but which never came to fruition).

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Like any master of his time, Vasari was versatile, capable as an architect of renovating churches, of imagining villas, of designing the loggia of the Uffizi or the corridor bearing his name and which crosses the Arno on the Ponte Vecchio.

It was built for the approval of the Medici (it's a bit like the ancestor of the Grande Galerie du Louvre).

And again: Vasari was...

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