The Limited Times

Göttingen: City allows topless swimming on weekends

4/27/2022, 2:17:01 PM

A swimming pool in Göttingen threw a person out because they bathed topless. But the supposed woman does not see herself as such. Now there is a new rule.

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A woman in the swimming pool (icon image)

Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/ dpa

From May 1st, all bathers without upper body clothing may visit swimming pools in Göttingen - but only on certain days.

The city's sports committee has spoken out in favor of a corresponding regulation, as a city spokesman confirmed.

Accordingly, topless bathing is now permitted on Saturdays and Sundays.

The »Göttinger Tageblatt« had previously reported on it.

Swimming pool granted guest house ban

The background to the new rule is the case of a person who does not identify herself as a woman, but who was expelled from a swimming pool for topless swimming and was banned from the house.

The swimming pool had considered the person to be a woman and had found that the bathing rules had been violated because of her lack of outer clothing.

Politics and society in Göttingen had discussed the topic intensively in the past few weeks.

The city spokesman said that the new topless rule now applies to all swimming pools operated by the Göttingen Sports and Leisure Society.

Initially, a test phase is planned until August 31st.
