The Limited Times

Litfiba, the last round also to say no to Putin

4/27/2022, 4:10:51 PM

Rock, politics, war, over 40 years of shared history, the joy of playing again. There was all this and much more in the departure on April 26 at the Gran Teatro Geox in Padua (sold out) of the Last Girone, the farewell tour of Litfiba. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PADUA, APRIL 27 - Rock, politics, war, over 40 years of shared history, the joy of playing again.

There was all this and much more in the departure on April 26 at the Gran Teatro Geox in Padua (sold out) of the UltimaGirone, the farewell tour of Litfiba.

A long traveling party that will go on throughout the summer.

On stage no melancholy for Piero Pelù and Ghigo Renzulliche - amid the enthusiasm of the audience - they fished with both hands in over 160 pieces published since December 6, 1980, when it all began in front of a hundred people.

"But today is as it is then. It is as if it were the first date in our history, and also the last one - they tell at the end of the evening -. It's all a surprise. The after? We'll see, but the music goes on in every case".

The concert - all played, without samples,

without bases, without hunchbacks - celebrates the history of the longest-running Italian rock band, but with a clear eye on the reality that surrounds us.

A concert in some way political, and every song becomes an opportunity to reflect and question oneself.

The war, the support for Ukraine, the no to Putin almost become the conductor among the 23 songs that make up the lineup.

"It is a very different concert from those we hear today in which it focuses above all on feelings - says Pelù -. Faced with a devastating current situation like the one we are experiencing, it did not seem honest to us to live in a bubble".

To the Z of the Russian tanks, Litfiba contrast four Xs to indicate the four decades of their history (plus 2 years of pandemic) and the energy of rock'n'roll.

"I have been an objector since 1983, I have always been against

use of weapons and violence.

But after two months of horrors in Ukraine, a position lost.

There are periods in the history of man in which he either gets rid of or resists.

Pacifists yes, but not masochists ". (ANSA).