The Limited Times

Online banking: consumer advice center warns of new scams

4/27/2022, 12:23:06 PM

Online banking: consumer advice center warns of new scams Created: 04/27/2022, 14:15 By: Tom Offinger Online banking makes everyday life easier for many people – however, the method also offers fraudsters a gateway to the data of careless customers. Munich - Digitization is changing how we live together on earth day by day. Banks and their services have also been almost completely relocated to

Online banking: consumer advice center warns of new scams

Created: 04/27/2022, 14:15

By: Tom Offinger

Online banking makes everyday life easier for many people – however, the method also offers fraudsters a gateway to the data of careless customers.

Munich - Digitization is changing how we live together on earth day by day.

Banks and their services have also been almost completely relocated to the Internet as a result of digital advances. Many customers now prefer online banking to the “old-fashioned” way to their local branch.

However, the great new developments also come with their pitfalls.

Fraudsters in particular try to get their hands on unscrupulous bank details online.

Volksbank and Sparkasse: Customers receive false e-mails

The Schleswig-Holstein consumer advice center is currently warning of a new scam that focuses on customers of the savings banks and the Volksbanken-Raiffeisenbanken.

Accordingly, criminals send fake e-mails to account owners in which they are informed of a “suspicious transfer” of 4,999 euros.

The respective bank then informs the customer that the transfer has already been canceled and now only an account check is necessary to finally complete the process.

The customer should carry out this last step by clicking on a corresponding link.

In this case, the fraudsters are speculating on the hectic reaction of the customer, after all, hurry is required in the event of an incorrect transfer.

However, money that has been withdrawn cannot simply be returned without further ado.

However, asking the email recipient to follow a link is the first warning of a fraudulent attempt.

Reputable banks would never resort to such means.

Volksbank and Sparkasse: Various signs of fraud

In addition, fraud can often be identified by checking the e-mail address, for example "" does not indicate a bank.

The deception takes place in a similar way with Sparkasse customers, but the e-mails are slightly different.

The fraudsters refer to the so-called “Sparkassen Fingerprint System (SKFS)”, for which confirmation from the customer is required.

If such e-mails end up in the mailbox, it is advisable to ignore them, delete them and, if possible, report them to the responsible bank



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