The Limited Times

VIDEO. Ukraine: Putin promises a “quick and lightning” response in the event of external intervention

4/27/2022, 6:22:41 PM

Speaking in parliament on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin warned against any outside intervention in Ukraine, prom

Weapons hangars destroyed, bridges and railways targeted: Faced with the intensification of Western military aid to kyiv, Russia is adjusting its strategy in Ukraine by targeting key supply nodes, while pursuing its objective of controlling part of the territory.

The day after a meeting in Germany of some forty countries devoted to strengthening military support for Ukraine, the Russian army claimed to have destroyed in a strike a “large quantity” of weapons delivered to kyiv by the States United and European countries.

It now remains to be seen how far the Russians will go.

For the moment, "they are hitting railway infrastructure, we do not see that they are hitting convoys", notes a French military source.

Sixty-three days after the start of the Russian offensive, the question of significant air defense aid, requested almost daily by kyiv, remains, for its part, still unresolved.

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For his part, Vladimir Putin warned Westerners against any outside intervention in the conflict in Ukraine, promising a "rapid and lightning" response.

"If someone intends to interfere from the outside in what is happening (in Ukraine, editor's note) and to create unacceptable threats for Russia, they must know that our response (...) will be fast and lightning,” Putin told the Russian parliament.

According to him, Russia will not hesitate to use its most modern weapons.

“We have all these tools that no one else can boast about right now.

We are not going to brag: we are going to use them if necessary.

And I would like everyone to know it, ”said the Russian president.

"All the decisions on this have already been made," he added.