The Limited Times

Exhibition: Aristide Maillol, in the song of cicadas and sirens at the Musée d'Orsay

4/28/2022, 1:11:25 PM

CRITICISM - The museum is devoting a first retrospective to the Roussillon sculptor in Paris for more than half a century. We discover his work as a painter, engraver, embroiderer and ceramist.

We no longer really noticed them, these large female nudes which, since the 1960s, have adorned the garden of the Carrousel du Louvre.

So these nineteen bronzes and lead shots wanted by Malraux here, in this heart of the capital, have temporarily abandoned the trimmed yew hedges that separate them.

The area is being refurbished and four of them - 

La Méditerranée


La Jeune Fille elongée




L'Action enchaînée

 - have gone to the Musée d'Orsay, where they are enriching a retrospective devoted to their author, the solar and serene Aristide Maillol.

A first in Paris for more than sixty years.

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Nymphs in the meadow

, three other of these graces with dense, generous, synthetic and repetitive bodies, founders of the "return to order" style of the 1920s and 1930s, indicate, under the nave of the old station, the entrance of the course.

Where, in the midst of their sketches, models, variants and variations, between blue-grey and clay-brown partitions, their majestic sisters shine.

The first shot...

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