The Limited Times

Following the provocation of BS fans: Yoav Ziv fined NIS 500 | Israel Today

4/28/2022, 6:05:26 AM

The professional director of Maccabi Tel Aviv was punished for the events of the game at Turner • Adv. Noam Lubin, Dayan of the Football Association's disciplinary court: , Despite all the ugly deeds of those sitting behind the group bench '

The manager of the Maccabi Tel Aviv team, Yoav Ziv, was fined NIS 500 today (Wednesday) by the disciplinary tribunal of the Football Association.

This, after writing on his binder 6: 2 and showing it to BS fans, a reminder of the famous result in the cup. 

Ziv, claimed at a hearing held yesterday that he had suffered harsh curses and wishes for serious illness as well as three spitting from BS fans who sat over the bench at Turner, so he wrote down this caption. 

Advocate Noam Lubin, Dayan of the Disciplinary Court, noted in his decision that: "From an unnecessary act, on the provocative frontier, of this kind, and will not lead to any reaction, despite all the ugly actions of those sitting behind the bench of the Maccabi Tel Aviv team."

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