The Limited Times

Gb: the queen reappears for a face to face, and without a cane

4/28/2022, 1:41:25 PM

Queen Elizabeth, fresh from her 96th birthday spent on April 21 in the country residence of Sandringham, in English Norfolk, reappeared today in Windsor Castle for an institutional reception hosted in person: the first for a couple ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - LONDON, APRIL 28 - Queen Elizabeth, returning from her 96th birthday spent on April 21 in the country residence of Sandringham, in English Norfolk, has reappeared today in Windsor Castle for an institutional reception hosted in person: the first in a couple of weeks .

    The sovereign - forced to take long rest periods since last October by doctors, and fatigued in February even from a Covid infection - welcomed the Swiss president, Ignazio Cassis, and his wife Paola, on a visit to London in the morning, smiling in the OakRoom of the castle. for a summit with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Dressed in a blue and gray spring silk dress, she showed herself for the first time for several months without the walking stick that has long been used to support herself in moving around due to the movement problems that she has recently spoken openly also in the public.