The Limited Times

Municipal: Letta, I was sorry about the breakup with Iv in Genoa

4/28/2022, 6:23:54 PM

"I was sorry about the break with Italia Viva in the municipal elections in Genoa, I hope it is only a Genoese case, I hope so, but they made the break, they take responsibility for it". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - GENOA, APRIL 28 - "I regret the break with Italia Viva in the municipal elections in Genoa, I hope it is only a Genoese case, I hope so, but they made the break, without taking responsibility for them".

This was declared by the secretary of the Pd Enrico Letta on a visit to Genoa to meet the progressive mayor candidate Ariel Dello Strologo supported by the center-left-M5S alliance without the support of Italia Viv, who decided to support the re-nomination of the outgoing center-right mayor Marco Bucci.

   "I am in Genoa to kick off an electoral campaign in which we strongly believe, we are the challengers in Genoa, we believe it is possible and necessary to give this extraordinary city, one of the important capitals of Italy, a future that goes beyond the emergency and talk to all of Genoa. - highlightsLetta - The work we want to do is to talk to the whole city, for a future of greater cohesion, solidarity and development, to talk about work and above all about the restart of the birth rate in a city that seems to be looking towards past, instead we want it to be a city with an eye to the future. This city deserves to look ahead and be ambitious, we have an ambitious project for the whole city, not a project for a few and only for those who are well, we want to ensure that may all of Genoa grow ".(HANDLE).