The Limited Times

Victory for settlement: The High Court ruled to allow the construction of 31 housing units in Hebron | Israel Today

4/28/2022, 6:59:11 PM

The tribunal dismissed the Peace Now petition and imposed the legal costs on it. The High Court today (Thursday) allowed the construction of 31 housing units in Hebron after tonight rejecting a lawsuit by the left-wing organization Peace Now and the Hebron Municipality while imposing legal costs of NIS 20,000 on the petitioners, some to petitioners and some to the state. In the petition, the organization claimed that the construction of the units was illegal for a variety of

The High Court today (Thursday) allowed the construction of 31 housing units in Hebron after tonight rejecting a lawsuit by the left-wing organization Peace Now and the Hebron Municipality while imposing legal costs of NIS 20,000 on the petitioners, some to petitioners and some to the state.

In the petition, the organization claimed that the construction of the units was illegal for a variety of reasons, including buildings for preservation and more.

It should be noted that in the past, left-wing organizations opposed the accessibility of the Cave of the Patriarchs due to similar claims.

According to the judges, there was no defect in the procedure and in any case the exterior facades will be made according to a comprehensive conservation plan.

Shai Glick, CEO of B'Tselem, responded: "Left-wing organizations are trying in every way to violate the human rights of the residents of the State of Israel.

This includes harming people with disabilities due to claims of preservation and archeology when we have never heard them cried out in favor of archeology that is damaged on the Temple Mount for example or on Mount Ebal.

And for example in the tomb of Joseph.

It is about blindfolds and hypocrisy, and the High Court did well to roll them down all the steps. We will continue to work for the development of the entire Land of Israel everywhere. "

Peace Now now states: "The Kahanist settlement in Hebron is the ugliest face of Israeli control of the territories. Building a new settlement in the heart of Hebron is a huge damage to Israel and is in complete contradiction to the government's guidelines. Now that the court has decided not to intervene The destructive construction immediately, before it becomes a fait accompli. "

The construction plan in Hebron also involved legal acrobatics and a building permit that exceeded three times the floor and seven times the area of ​​the plan in force. Unfortunately, the court decided not to intervene in the dubious planning decision that is possible only in the case of settlers In the construction of law-abiding citizens in Israel. "

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