The Limited Times

'Let's adopt a Ukrainian family', Guido Carli Foundation project

4/29/2022, 1:54:07 PM

Prize will be awarded on May 6 to 13 Italian excellences (ANSA)  Italian foundations could "adopt" up to 20,000 Ukrainian refugees. A project to be made operational in a few weeks and which would make a concrete contribution to the humanitarian catastrophe we are experiencing. This is the proposal launched by Romana Liuzzo, Official of the Republic and President of the Guido Carli Foundation, on the eve of the celebration of the award that will be awarded on M

 Italian foundations could "adopt" up to 20,000 Ukrainian refugees.

A project to be made operational in a few weeks and which would make a concrete contribution to the humanitarian catastrophe we are experiencing.

This is the proposal launched by Romana Liuzzo, Official of the Republic and President of the Guido Carli Foundation, on the eve of the celebration of the award that will be awarded on May 6 to 13 Italian excellences.

    "Each of the eight thousand non-profit foundations existing in Italy undertakes to provide for the daily expenses of families who have moved to our country within a few days (usually a mother and two children) fleeing the war that broke out in Ukraine: it could be thus alleviating the complicated daily life of women and children already deeply marked by the drama they have left behind. It will be enough to contact one of the bodies that deal with solidarity ", is the appeal of President Liuzzo to the top of all the other Italian foundations.

    The idea comes a few days after the celebration of the thirteenth edition of the Guido Carli Prize, scheduled for Friday 6 May at 5.30 pm in the Petrassi room of the Auditorium Parco della Musica.

An edition, awarded with the medal of the President of the Republic, in which not only entrepreneurs and economists will be awarded, but talents from the world of cinema, sport, diplomacy and art.

Guido Carli, Minister of the Treasury and signatory of the Maastricht Treaty, was in fact an economist but above all a humanist, a man of letters and culture, as well as governor of Bank of Italy and president of industrialists;

an all-round servant of the state.

    The names of the winners have yet to be revealed, even if some news has leaked: the list will include, among others, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, after his experience at the helm of the anti-Covid emergency structure, today at the joint top operational command;

Mariangela Zappia, Italian Ambassador to the United States;

Luigi Ferraris, managing director of Ferrovie dello Stato;

Alberta Ferretti, stylist and one of the main icons of Italian fashion in the world.