The Limited Times

Alexandre Devecchio: "Popular bloc or union of the rights?"

4/29/2022, 6:11:42 PM

ANALYSIS - The RN and Reconquest! are they irreconcilable? The two parties, allied, would constitute an electoral force able to weigh within the future Assembly.

Does the union of the rights still have a meaning at a time when LR and the PS are threatened with extinction and when the right-left divide appears obsolete?

Beyond their grudges and personal enmities, it is also the answer to this theoretical question which now opposes Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, but also many observers.

Two visions face each other.

On the one hand, those who, like Marcel Gauchet, believe in the permanence of the right-left divide as a political identity, even though its content has constantly changed.

In his book

The Right and the Left

(Gallimard), the historian and philosopher shows that if this cleavage evolved and varied considerably according to the times, if it was competed by other dividing lines, it was never durably supplanted.

The system of benchmarks in itself, although simplifying, has always persisted because the right-left divide has, according to him, the merit of resonating clearly in the minds of the French, of being the most operational...

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