The Limited Times

Atlantia: assembly votes yes to the "all green" plan with 98.22%

4/29/2022, 2:23:32 PM

The shareholders' meeting of Atlantia approved the company's "Climate Action Plan" with 98.22% of the votes. This was announced by the group, underlining that it is "the first time in Italy that the Decarbonization Plan has been brought to the vote of the shareholders' meeting". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 29 - The shareholders' meeting of Atlantia approved the company's "Climate Action Plan" with 98.22% of the votes.

This was announced by the group, underlining that it is "the first time in Italy that the Decarbonization Plan is brought to the vote of the shareholders' meeting".

The Atlantia Climate Action Plan illustrates society's "commitment" to tackling climate change through short, medium and long-term "greenhouse gas emission reduction objectives" and the main actions planned to achieve them, "enabling the transition towards low-emission mobility. ".

The "CAP" will make it possible to "zero" direct CO2 emissions from Atlantia's infrastructures "by 2040, ten years ahead of the commitments of the

   Atlantia's Climate Action Plan provides for a "transformation" of industrial processes and operational activities through "some main guidelines" that the Group is implementing in the various countries in the world in which it operates, ie a "progressive electrification", a "growing use of energy from renewable sources ", through" lower consumption, aiming at energy efficiency "and the" involvement "of the supply chain in the search for" materials with a lower environmental impact "to be used for the modernization and maintenance of infrastructures.

Therefore, promotion of the "circularity" of used materials, their reuse and recycling.

Atlantia states that "