The Limited Times

Legislative 2022: Mélenchon urges his voters to "stop" Macron so as not to "give him full powers"

4/29/2022, 9:35:38 PM

The leader of France Insoumise does not rule out engaging himself in this battle in his constituency of Marseille.

It is an entry into the countryside with drum and trumpet.

In an interview with the


Jean-Luc Mélenchon launches his conquest of Matignon.

He who asks the French to "

elect him prime minister

" and give him a majority in the National Assembly in the next legislative elections, scheduled for June 12 and 19.

If the former presidential candidate respects the outcome of the ballot and recognizes the victory of Emmanuel Macron, he does not intend to stand idly by against what he calls "

the antisocial radicalization

" of the president.

To fight the tenant of the Élysée whom he describes as "

above ground

", the elected Marseilles urges his troops to "


stop now at the legislative elections.

» «

Then it will be too late.

Let's not give him full powers

”, warns Jean-Luc Mélenchon, according to whom the head of state “

has not received any mandate to apply a program


To read alsoGuillaume Tabard: “For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “it smells of History””

While an Elabe poll showed that 38% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's voters had voted for Emmanuel Macron in the second round, the rebellious leader explains that his troops have "

giant frustration after the results, but no resignation as in 2017, on the contrary


According to him, with a majority of LFI deputies, "

he will go to Matignon

" and "

no one in the negotiations (

in progress between the various left-wing parties, editor's note)

calls that into question


Optimist, Jean-Luc Mélenchon "

would like

" that the agreement on the left in view of the legislative elections is "

settled on Sunday

": "

The popular union gathered twice as many voters as all the other components of the left, and five times more than each of them.


We guarantee a parliamentary group for everyone


Mélenchon possible candidate in Marseille

The opportunity also to mock François Hollande who warned this week against the disappearance of the PS in a vast ensemble carried by LFI: “

He is totally 'has been'.

While the train of history passes, it remains at the platform


Without confirming or denying whether he himself will enter the legislative battle, Jean-Luc Mélenchon explains that he could well be a candidate for re-election in Marseille.

Why would you want me to go anywhere but in a constituency that gave me 55% in the first round of the presidential election?

“, he launches.

With the hope of being in a few weeks at the head of a vast parliamentary group.

Larger than the current 17 rebellious deputies.