The Limited Times

Our people in the Golan renew their rejection of the occupation's plan to establish wind turbines on their land

4/29/2022, 7:17:30 PM

The occupied Syrian Golan - SANA- Our people in the occupied Syrian Golan renewed their categorical rejection of establishing the Israeli occupation

The occupied Syrian Golan - SANA

Our people in the occupied Syrian Golan renewed their categorical rejection of the Israeli occupation's construction of wind turbines on thousands of dunums of their lands, stressing their firm will to struggle until the occupation's plans thwarted and forced to cancel its settlement plans.

The people of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan have set up a sit-in tent today in the Al-Manfuha area, east of Baraka village, in rejection of the occupation’s plan, which aims to seize about six thousand dunums of their agricultural lands, calling on the international community to stop this settlement scheme aimed at displacing them, which constitutes a blatant violation of the resolutions of international legitimacy.

Emil Masoud, a member of the Committee to Confront the Occupation Scheme, considered in a statement to SANA that the wind turbine scheme has harmful effects on health, the environment and agriculture, and its goal is to force our people to leave their villages, stressing the adherence of the people of the Golan to their belonging to their homeland and their Syrian Arab identity in fighting the occupation and rejecting all its settlement schemes.

For his part, Nazih Mahmoud said, "Today we are sending a message to the occupier from the heart of our lands that our fathers and grandfathers told with blood that our land belongs to us and we will not allow anyone to desecrate it. We carry the legacy of our fathers and grandfathers by confronting the occupation and bringing down its plans."

The wind turbine scheme is one of the most dangerous Judaizing colonial schemes targeting the occupied Syrian Golan, as it includes the seizure of about six thousand dunums in three stages. The second phase is the lands of the villages of Majdal Shams, Masada, Ain Qinya and Bekatha, and the third is the Tel al-Fars area.

Atta Farhat