The Limited Times

10 km of Grand Paris Sud: diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, Julien Mérigot runs for fun

5/1/2022, 3:30:55 PM

A thousand people took part in the 21st edition of the Grand Paris Sud half-marathon this Sunday at Carré Sénart in Lieusaint. Julian M.

This Sunday, May 1, everything is perfect for Julien Mérigot.

A radiant sun, and a very special excitement.

Normal, for the lily of the valley festival, the 29-year-old runner had marked this date with a red cross on his diary.

Like a good thousand running fans, the young man was on the starting line for the 10 km of the 21st edition of the Grand Paris Sud event.

A discipline that he particularly likes since 2015. “I had a few extra pounds so I started running on the advice of my grandmother, explains Julien.

Since then, I haven't stopped.


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