The Limited Times

A little speeding ticket: how to never lose points?

5/1/2022, 6:06:45 PM

USER'S RIGHT - Micro-speeding represents 58% of the offenses recorded by automatic speed cameras in 2020. How can you escape the loss of points for these mainly involuntary offenses at a lower cost?

Reason for exasperation for many, normal consequence of a road safety policy for others, micro-speeding (between 1 and 5 km/h above the speed) which is involuntary, concentrates 58% of offenses recorded by speed cameras in 2020. And that's not all: in 2020, 95% of speeding offenses sanctioned by speed cameras were between 1 and 20 km/h.

In the absence of an arrest, it is the holder of the gray card of the flashed vehicle who receives the notice of violation.

Two options are mainly available to him:

-Either he decides to report the real driver to escape the offence.

It is therefore the designated driver who will in turn be prosecuted and will receive the notice of violation.

-Either he denies being the driver of the vehicle and thus denies being the perpetrator of the offence.

In the latter case, for lack of identification, he will escape the loss of points.


To carry out this procedure, the user must simply contest being the driver at the time of the facts (on the site , and first record the amount of the fine to contest the offense (use the blue form consignment card by going to

He must request in his letter of dispute the application of article L.121-3 of the Highway Code to escape his criminal liability by denying being the driver.

He has no designation obligation.

In the event of a court summons, the user may either go to the hearing while maintaining his position, or send a letter to the judge asking to be judged in his absence, confirming that he was not the driver at the time of the events.

As soon as he contests the offense in this way and cannot be mistaken as the author of the offence, the user cannot be criminally sentenced (no suspension, no loss of points) and will not be liable for the fine on the basis of the aforementioned article.