The Limited Times

Putin to Macron: “Stop arms deliveries”

5/3/2022, 4:38:14 PM

Russian forces have launched an assault against the last square of Ukrainian resistance fighters entrenched in the Mariupol steelworks.

During their first telephone conversation in just over a month, Vladimir Putin told Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday that the West must stop supplying arms to Ukraine.

"The West could help stop these atrocities by exerting appropriate influence on the authorities in Kiev, as well as by stopping

the supply of arms to Ukraine ,


the Russian president told his French counterpart, according to a press release. of the Kremlin.

While Macron had spoken to Ukrainian President Zelensky on the phone on Saturday, Putin, still according to Moscow, complained of the

"lack of preparation

(of Kyiv)

for serious work"

in the peace talks, which are being held in Turkey between Russian and Ukrainian negotiators.

To discover

  • LIVE - War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the conflict minute by minute

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Russian army and pro-Russian forces have launched an offensive on the Azovstal factory, the last pocket of resistance in the city of Mariupol, in southeastern Ukraine.

“Using artillery and aircraft, units of the Russian army…

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