The Limited Times

After the agreement on the left, socialist dissidents organize themselves

5/4/2022, 6:56:23 PM

With only 70 constituencies granted to the formation led by Olivier Faure, it is foreseeable that some members of the PS will decide to campaign under their own colors.

And if the socialists found themselves face to face with… “authentic socialists”?

This is the name that certain “elephants”, eager to refound the left, like to dream of when the rose party has reached an agreement with La France insoumise.

Because, while some are crying victory, hailing a historic agreement and already hoping to exist on the benches of the Assembly, others are preparing to go it alone, even organizing the response.

For several days, the party's veterans have followed one another in the media to make themselves the captains of a ship that is going adrift.

The former first secretary, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, thus called on the socialists to

"refuse this agreement in all possible forms"

and closely observes the federations that oppose it.

The mayor of Le Mans and former minister, Stéphane Le Foll, meanwhile offered to

"lead the campaign"

of dissidents.

Read also

Renée Fregosi: "The alliance of the PS with LFI would be a betrayal"

With only 70 constituencies granted to the formation led by Olivier Faure, it is in…

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