The Limited Times

Agreement on the left: opposing visions on secularism and security

5/4/2022, 6:56:05 PM

DECRYPTION - François Hollande and his former Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, had already protested against the repeal of the legislative provisions demanded by La France insoumise.

“We will defend: (…) the repeal of the separatism and global security laws which infringe on our individual freedoms”,

but also

“the defense of the secular and universalist Republic, the protection of freedom of conscience and expression, a resolute action against racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination, and the fight against communitarianism and the political use of religions”.

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  • YOUR COMMUNE - The results of the second round of the presidential election in your area

Is the press release on the agreement between La France insoumise and the Socialist Party for the next legislative elections likely to reassure those who were worried about seeing the far left definitively impose its themes on a dying PS? ?

One thing is certain: even beyond the catch-all side of this text, whose writing is sometimes a bit convoluted, the vision of the Melenchonists and the like is far from being fully shared by the heirs of Mitterrand and other social democrats.

Whether on the Islamic veil, immigration or security.

Read also

Legislative: pending the agreement on the left, the PS on the verge of implosion


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