The Limited Times

Alexis Kohler: the secrets of Emmanuel Macron's "vice-president"

5/4/2022, 6:56:48 PM

EXCLUSIVE – Criticized by part of the president's entourage, the essential secretary general of the Élysée is on track to stay.

The "cathedral dwarf" haunts him.

This dwarf is the main character of a legend that is told from generation to generation in Strasbourg.

It is a little fellow who, during the construction of the Gothic building, between the 12th and 15th centuries, never stopped playing Cassandra on the site.

"It's too heavy, it's too big, it's too big, it's too ambitious, it's too fragile, it's not solid, it's going to collapse...",

he used to say. repeat over and over again to the architects and workers who were working on the elevation of the building.

To the point that they ended up walling him up in one of the pillars never to hear him again.

"I don't want to be the dwarf of the cathedral",

explains today Alexis Kohler.

Aware that the "technocracy", of which he is one of the most emblematic figures at the top of the state, no longer has so much good press in Macronie.

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