The Limited Times

Donetsk Republic announces the evacuation of 223 people from Mariupol

5/4/2022, 6:55:53 PM

Donetsk, SANA- The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic announced the evacuation of 223 civilians today from the overlooking city of Mariupol.


The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic announced the evacuation of 223 civilians today from the city of Mariupol on the Sea of ​​Azov in the Donbass region.

The website (Russia Today) quoted the Donetsk Regional Defense Forces Operations Room as saying in a statement, "223 people, including 30 children, were evacuated today from Mariupol to the village of Bizymenovye near the city of Novoazovsk."

The operations room explained that these civilians are currently in a special center to help the evacuees, stressing that the Ministry of Emergencies in the Donetsk Republic is working on preparing lists of civilians who are included in the evacuations.

Since the start of Moscow's military operation in Ukraine, Mariupol has witnessed violent confrontations, during which the forces of Russia and the Donetsk Republic managed to control the entire city, except for the huge steel plant (Azovstal), which is still the last stronghold of forces loyal to the Kyiv government there.

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