The Limited Times

Luc Ferry: “Moraline”

5/4/2022, 6:49:40 PM

CHRONICLE - A neologism invented by Nietzsche to mock right-thinking people, moraline played at full speed during the campaign against Marine Le Pen.

In German:

"das Moralin",

a neologism coined by Nietzsche to

make fun of right-thinking people, those who wear their morality slung over their shoulder to let it be known urbi et orbi that they are on the right side, courageous and "on the left" as we said in 68, convinced that with this formula

we had said everything.

Nietzsche could have quoted Pascal who also thought that

“true morality mocks morality”


The suffix "ine" refers in German as in French to pharmaceutical vocabulary, it evokes something like aspirin or codeine that one swallows to be "good".

However, the objectives of morality bear little relation to the true morality of which Pascal speaks.

It is above all a question of adopting a grandiose stance on the media level and of concealing in passing the problems posed by those whom we do not want to see or hear because they are on the wrong side.

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Moraline played at full speed during the campaign against Marine Le Pen.

From my point of view, his program was obviously…

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