The Limited Times

Mali: France no longer has a legal basis for carrying out military operations on our territory

5/4/2022, 7:19:41 PM

Bamako, SANA- The Malian government has announced that France no longer has a legal basis for carrying out military operations on the territory of the country


The Mali government has announced that France no longer has a legal basis for carrying out military operations on the territory of the African country, after the latter withdrew from the main defense agreements between Bamako and Paris.

"It will take six months for the formal termination of the defense cooperation agreement concluded with France in 2014 to enter into force," the Sputnik news agency quoted Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop as saying.

Diop explained that the legal end of the agreements in 2013 and 2020 regarding the French "Barkhane" operation and the European "Takoba" operation in Mali became effective immediately, adding that as of this moment, there is no legal basis for France to operate on the territory of Mali.

The government in Mali announced last Monday the cancellation of defense agreements signed with France and its European partners, in a new step that reflects the deterioration of relations between Bamako and its former allies in the battle against armed terrorist groups deployed in the country.

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