The Limited Times

Prime Minister, new government, investitures... Emmanuel Macron plays the watch

5/4/2022, 8:14:33 PM

ANALYSIS – The Head of State intends to gain as much time as possible so that the breath effect of his new team carries to the legislative elections.

Ten days after his re-election, Emmanuel Macron is resolutely determined to… decide nothing.

Prime Minister, new government, nominations for the legislative elections, … For the Head of State, it is urgent to wait before making his first decisions public.

"The Castex government will go to the end of Emmanuel Macron's first five-year term, which ends on midnight May 13,"

said his spokesman, Gabriel Attal, on Wednesday.

He was speaking after the Council of Ministers, to which only the main members of the executive were invited.

Saturday morning, the inauguration ceremony of Emmanuel Macron will be held at the Élysée.

But we will have to wait until the end of next week before formally entering the new five-year term.

Thus, the Head of State is gaining as much time as possible so that the breath of fresh air from his new team carries through to the legislative elections on 12th and 19th June.

At the risk of playing with the nerves of his supporters.

If the fog seems persistent overhead...

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