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US general admits training Ukrainian forces since 2015

5/4/2022, 7:14:24 PM

Washington-SANA The General's Reveal Washington-Sana General Joseph Hilbert, commander of the Seventh Training Command of the European Command of the US Forces, revealed that the United States has been training Ukrainian forces since 2015. Hilbert said in press statements, reported by US media today, that "the training operations of the Ukrainian forces began in 2015," noting that the Ukrainian forces had participated in 12 joint m


General Joseph Hilbert, commander of the Seventh Training Command of the European Command of the US Forces, revealed that the United States has been training Ukrainian forces since 2015.

Hilbert said in press statements, reported by US media today, that "the training operations of the Ukrainian forces began in 2015," noting that the Ukrainian forces had participated in 12 joint military exercises since the beginning of the American training operations, and that about 23,000 members of the Ukrainian forces had participated in those exercises.

This comes amid repeated warnings from Russia to any party or country against interfering in the Ukrainian crisis or arming the Ukrainian regime.

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