The Limited Times

WhatsApp launches 'reactions', comments only with emojis

5/6/2022, 12:22:11 PM

Zuckerberg announces it, even hands in prayer position (ANSA) The 'reactions' arrive on WhatsApp, the reactions with the emojis that users are already used to using on Facebook since 2016 and give the opportunity to express feelings in addition to the simple 'like'. The announcement comes directly from Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook profile, just in the hours in which the CEO of Meta was received by the Italian Prime Minister Draghi at Palazzo Chigi. There are s

The 'reactions' arrive on WhatsApp, the reactions with the emojis that users are already used to using on Facebook since 2016 and give the opportunity to express feelings in addition to the simple 'like'.

The announcement comes directly from Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook profile, just in the hours in which the CEO of Meta was received by the Italian Prime Minister Draghi at Palazzo Chigi.

There are six reactions currently active and they also include hands in prayer positions, "to help spread thanks and appreciation, other incoming expressions," writes Zuckerberg.

The news had already been anticipated in recent weeks, but from today it is official.

The six reactions available on WhatsApp are the thumbs up, the face crying with laughter, the surprised face, the heart, the sad face crying and, indeed, the folded hands.

For emoji reactions, the chat teamed up with psychologist Lara Jones.