The Limited Times

Di Maio: 'From Zelensky a very important opening, it's up to Putin'

5/7/2022, 6:07:26 PM

'We don't have to get used to the idea that this war is endless.' Zazo: 'Italy has a duty to believe in a diplomatic solution' (ANSA)

 "We must not get used to the idea that this war must go on indefinitely, we must not forget the goal of peace".

This was stated by the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, speaking with journalists on the sidelines of a conference on welfare that took place in Portici, in the Neapolitan area.

"Zelensky made a very important opening: after opening on the neutrality of Ukraine, he said he is willing to consider Crimea out of the peace agreement. These are important openings, Putin must show that he wants to come to the table, not to wanting war ", concluded the head of the Farnesina.

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 "The approach of the Italian government - he added - is to build a non-military diplomatic escalation. And also the visit to the United States of the premier in the meeting with President Biden is a visit that continues to work with a view to peace in Ukraine. At the same time, as we all agree, under the principle of self-defense we must support Ukraine, but not beyond. And this must always be our beacon in any decision we make. "

ANSA agency

Ukraine, Zazo: 'Italy has a duty to believe in a diplomatic solution' - World

Ambassador Zazo to ANSA: 'Seizing windows with our contribution'.

Di Maio: 'From Zelensky a very important opening, it's up to Putin' (ANSA)