The Limited Times

Old woman found dead: stopped near her home, she was under house arrest

5/8/2022, 2:46:31 PM

A neighbor of Lauretta Toffoli, the 74-year-old woman found dead yesterday in her apartment in Udine, was stopped by the police. This is Vincenzo Paglialonga, 40, residing in the same building as the victim. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - UDINE, 08 MAY - A neighbor of Lauretta Toffoli, the 74-year-old woman found dead yesterday in her apartment in Udine, was stopped by the police.

This is Vincenzo Paglialonga, 40, residing in the same building as the victim.

Yesterday, just before noon, the man had been arrested by the Volanti for escaping from house arrest.

   In the afternoon, evidence of guilt against him emerged from the judicial police activity.

The man, questioned late in the evening, made use of the right not to answer.

He is in prison.

    The old woman was found dead in her apartment, on the second floor of an Ater building, in via della Valle.

It was her son who had gone to visit her mother in the early afternoon of yesterday.

    According to a reconstruction, the woman was found half naked.

Her body had several stab wounds.

    The area was then isolated by the police for surveys and investigations, carried out by the Flying Squad and the Scientific Police.

Further investigations are underway, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor of Udine.

    In November 2019, the old woman was attacked by her son, who stabbed her in the abdomen.

The man then called 112 and was immediately arrested on charges of attempted murder: the following year, however, he was acquitted as declared incapable of understanding and willing, as established by a psychiatric report.


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