The Limited Times

Bar Lev responds to Jordan: Addition of Waqf guards on the Temple Mount Israel today

5/9/2022, 7:30:09 PM

Mansour Abbas, in coordination with the Jordanians, initiates to increase the guard forces Sources close to the Minister of Internal Security, Omar Bar-Lev, confirm that he agrees in principle to increasing the number of Waqf guards on the Temple Mount. However, the increase quota has not yet been set and in any case Bar Lev has stipulated that the new guards will not be Waqf personnel. Tonight (Monday) it was announced here 11 that Bar-Lev complied with Jordan's demand on the issue. I

Sources close to the Minister of Internal Security, Omar Bar-Lev, confirm that he agrees in principle to increasing the number of Waqf guards on the Temple Mount.

However, the increase quota has not yet been set and in any case Bar Lev has stipulated that the new guards will not be Waqf personnel.

Tonight (Monday) it was announced here 11 that Bar-Lev complied with Jordan's demand on the issue.

It will be recalled that the chairman of Ra'am, Mansour Abbas, was the one who initiated the increase of Jordanian power on the mountain.

Abbas coordinated these demands with Abdullah, King of Jordan, and even said that the Jordanian King represented him on the Temple Mount issue.

This means that for the first time, an Arab-Israeli party is influencing the policy adopted on the Temple Mount.

Yigal Brand, CEO of the global Betar leadership, responded by saying that "the Waqf members are among the leaders of the instigators against Jews and from those people who feel ownership of the Temple Mount. To increase the number of Waqf members on the Temple Mount is to reward instigators and extremists. "Repeats the same historical mistake of Moshe Dayan and gives the keys to the Temple Mount to the people of the Waqf.

Were we wrong?


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