The Limited Times

The distribution of subsidies further shakes the left-wing coalition in Andalusia

5/9/2022, 9:00:36 PM

The formation of Ione Belarra reiterates its "will and commitment not to generate more bureaucratic or administrative noise"

Podemos has denounced this Monday afternoon that the leadership of the United Left has transmitted in a meeting between the executives of both parties its "refusal" to comply with the political agreement reached on Friday to run together in the elections of June 19 in Andalusia .

Both IU and Más País have flatly denied that fact.

The future distribution of subsidies is the main stumbling block in the negotiations to politically accommodate what has not been possible in the electoral register due to its late arrival.

The financing shakes the project even more when the presentation of the brand has not even been launched.

More information

The Electoral Board rejects the appeal to admit Podemos in the Andalusian left-wing coalition

According to Podemos sources in the community, the meeting between both formations took place in the early afternoon, after the Electoral Board (JEA) decided not to accept the rectification document presented by IU on Sunday night to incorporate Podemos and Alianza Verde in the leftist coalition Por Andalucía.

The same sources specify that they have reiterated their "will and commitment not to generate more bureaucratic or administrative noise."

From the leadership of the United Left in Andalusia, they have ensured that the version provided by Podemos "is not true."

"This is a provocation," said the sources consulted.

The so-called political agreement, which is actually a mere distribution of positions, tasks and functions agreed by IU and Podemos, was not negotiated with Más País.

According to these versions, at the meeting the leaders of IU, Podemos and Más País have agreed on their "will" to politically fix the legal mess.

Sources present at the meeting assure that now it is necessary to “adapt” the legally registered coalition —with only four parties— to the political incorporation of Podemos and Alianza Verde.

"This agreement cannot be fulfilled because it is illegal," they indicated in relation to the distribution of subsidies.

Sources from the Por Andalucía coalition specify that at the meeting “only the need to modify aspects related to the financing formulas has been transferred to Podemos, since, as Podemos is left out of the coalition for pushing the registration times to the limit, the financing method, as it was established, would not comply with the regulations of the Court of Auditors”.

They have also denounced the "interference" of the federal leadership, alluding to the party led by Ione Belarra.

“The agreement is not in doubt”

After giving up the candidate of Podemos, Juan Antonio Delgado, to opt for the Presidency of the Board, the pact reached on Friday assured this formation the first positions of the lists of Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva and Granada, in addition to the co-spokesperson of the parliamentary group and 60% of the resources.

Sources of the party in the community affirm that “the political agreement has been approved by all the actors since Friday”.

And they add: “It is not in doubt and must be fully complied with, there are all the necessary legal and administrative tools for it.

It was the resignation that Podemos assumed to make Inma Nieto, from IU, a candidate, when Yolanda Díaz asked for it“.

Podemos has proposed to register the lists on the 11th, the first day of the term, which ends on the 16th of this month.

This morning, the formation's state co-spokesperson, Isa Serra, focused on the importance of the "agreement" reached with the other five parties and refused to speculate on the possibility of attending alone.

“We have put the interests of Andalusians first”, she affirmed before pointing out that Podemos has been “generous” during the negotiation.