The Limited Times

From the womb of Ilanit Levy to the Eyal Golan dynasty: "Sadeh family" is a light folk trash | Israel today

5/22/2022, 5:34:42 AM

The grooming business in the boards, the personal stories are touching and the kids want to be famous - so why not open the house and become a kind of Kardashians version of the Levant? Ilanit Levy and Eliraz Sadeh invite you to a harmless Guilty Pleasure

Docu-reality shows force the celebs to open their hearts.

In order for a glimpse into the lives of celebrities to be authentic, they must highlight crises, dig into the gloomiest moment of their lives, recreate it in detail, shed tears, and then tell about it again and again in dozens of interviews designed to advance their series, until that particular painful case the shelf.

In the case of the Sadeh family and the new series starring them, the technique of selling the product was the distribution of an open entrance ticket to Ilanit Levy's womb, and the people of Israel were invited to deal with the difficulties they experienced with Eliraz Sadeh until the birth of their joint daughter.

The matter was expressed over the weekend, when Levy gave an interview to the newspaper, repeated things in an article in "Ulpan Shishi", referred to it in her program "Galit and Ilanit", as she told a few days earlier at Pines, and of course the same tragedy is mentioned in the first five minutes ", Which is available on HOT VOD and will be broadcast starting tonight (19:00) on HOT Entertainment.

In everything she received, the beauty queen shared in the descent of the abortion she underwent about two years ago.

"This is the hardest moment I have ever had in my life," admitted Levy, who added and described how Eliraz fainted at the news.

Their new series opens like this - they both recreate the situation, the tears threaten to burst from their eyes and their voices are broken, until suddenly a jubilant opening song interrupts the sadness.

"Field Family",

This is how celebs actually normalize exposure.

Once a tragedy is used for marketing purposes and talked about in an endless loop.

It automatically dulls the emotions, allowing them to relate to private events as part of their work and career.

When this is the case, then Aline's daughter also has no problem whining when she tells of her father Eyal Golan's lack of involvement in raising his children, or resents her brother Liam about expanding the Golan dynasty, which will lead to a split in inheritance money ("What will we have left? Five shekels each").

"Field Family" walks on thin ice, and although it is expected that there are episodes hovering over the family that will not be mentioned in the series - it still gives viewers a feeling that everything is open to them.

The result is a lovable trash, a Guilty Pleasure that is very far removed from the "Raphaels", who made sure to present themselves as a royal family.

The Sadeh family chose a different and popular direction, simple and unpretentious, and this can be understood from a glance at Ilanit's car, which is the most dusty in the country, or from the bites implied by Abba Golan's absent present figure.

In an interview with OLPS, Eliraz admitted that he has recently been having difficulty finding work in the media, his jade business has collapsed, Liam and Aline have grown up and are now interested in becoming famous as their parents, while the family apartment is being renovated and the works have to be funded. The waiver of privacy is a minimal sacrifice for the main goal before them - to be the Kardashians of Rehovot.

Field Family - Premiere Episodes, HOT VOD Wrong?


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