The Limited Times

Tax aid for many employees – the deadline for submitting tax returns is also being extended

5/24/2022, 6:23:36 AM

Tax aid for many employees – the deadline for submitting tax returns is also being extended Created: 05/24/2022, 08:12 Taxpayers get more time to submit their tax returns - one of several measures that the Bundestag decided on May 19th. © MiS/Imago Corona bonuses for employees in care, in hospitals and practices remain tax-free up to 4,500 euros. The Bundestag decided not only this measure this

Tax aid for many employees – the deadline for submitting tax returns is also being extended

Created: 05/24/2022, 08:12

Taxpayers get more time to submit their tax returns - one of several measures that the Bundestag decided on May 19th.

© MiS/Imago

Corona bonuses for employees in care, in hospitals and practices remain tax-free up to 4,500 euros.

The Bundestag decided not only this measure this week.

Many employees in


, in



practices receive

corona bonuses

from their employers 


The Bundestag has now regulated that these payments 


tax-free up to an amount of 4,500 euros .

As much of the money as possible should actually reach the employees.

This applies to

special payments

, among other things, for

employees in hospitals, in intensive care, for outpatient care workers


employees in nursing homes

, but also in certain

rehabilitation facilities, medical and dental practices

and in the

emergency services


Home office flat rate also for 2022

The Bundestag decided on another measure on May 19th - it affects

numerous employees who work from home during the Corona crisis.


be able

Employees can also claim a 

home office flat rate

in their tax return for this year .

You can calculate five euros per day working from home, but a maximum of 600 euros per year


This is independent of whether you have an extra study or work from the living room or kitchen.

However, the amount achieved in this way counts as income-related expenses.

Longer deadlines for tax returns

Taxpayers will also

have more time to submit their tax returns


Those who make their

declaration for 2021

alone now have until

the end of October 2022


If you have a tax advisor, you don't have to hand it in until the end of August 2023


There are also longer deadlines in the coming years.

The tax consultants had recently reported a high volume of work because they also apply for economic aid for companies and take care of short-time work benefits.


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