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Triangle Attack: Jerusalem and Holon want playoff final | Israel today

5/27/2022, 8:48:25 AM

Hapoel Jerusalem and Hapoel Holon will start today in a battle for a place in the playoff finals • Avi Segal with the three fights on the floor, which can make this series unforgettable

The playoff semi-final series between Hapoel Jerusalem and Hapoel Holon, which begins today, will provide us with a very wide range of head-to-head struggles, which may determine the identity of the finalist.

On the lines we get a fight between the experienced Guy Goodes and Yotam Halperin for the first time in the class;

Under the baskets Michael Kaiser will be fighting for every ball in purple and Itai Segev and John Agbono in red;

And of course a match-up in the away positions between the good friends Adam Ariel and Rafi Manko, who started their journey together with the Reds from the capital.

But above all these there are three key struggles.

Coordinators: Retin Obasuhan vs. Joe Ragland

are both in the coordinator position, but the styles are different.

Ragland is more of a classic coordinator, while Obasuhan is constantly working to harness his speed and physical strength to produce situations.

This style results in him less managing his team, more scattered and prone to losing.

Ragland, who came from Eilat, had a mediocre start, but since the middle of the season he is Holon's best and most stable player (a huge jump in the data in the playoffs), and also the star who led it to success in the league and in Europe.

Obasohan, on the other hand, is the most influential player of the Reds and with the highest plus / minus index in the league, but alongside that is placed an asterisk for Jerusalem's failure in Europe.

Both score not bad outside the arc, but are not always stable.

Both are also prominent point producers alongside game management (top 5 assists in the league), and Obasuhan's main advantage is on the defensive side.


Wiener, Photo: Danny Maron

The scorers: Jaylen Adams vs. Tyros Maggie

The experience of Tyros Maggie, as well as the acquaintance with the league and his team (second season), give him a big advantage on paper, compared to Jaylen Adams for whom this is his first season in the Premier League and he lacks European experience.

But in practice, Adams' adaptation to his debut season in the country was better than Maggie's return for a second season.

Adams turns out to be one of the most talented guards to land here in recent years, and is only 25 years old.


Record show against Holon, Photo: Danny Maron

Maggie, who started the season in Spanish Burgos, took time to recover the high and familiar abilities from last season, but his renewed ascent came just in time: an impressive composure with three accurate free throws in Game 2 of the Galilee quarterfinals, and a 41-point record in the third game.

These are two formidable scorers with the character of winners, the kind of players you want the last ball in the game to go to.

By the way, Adams gave his record presentation this season in a game in Holon, with 34 points and a basket of victory.


The group's glue from the capital, Photo: Danny Maron

Leaders: Suleiman Braimo against Chris Johnson

Both may not be twins in terms of position (Braimo 5-4, Johnson 4-3), but these are twins in the qualities and qualities they bring to the table.

Braimo and Johnson are the glue and connection in their teams, two who leave everything on the floor, excellent defensive players but also contribute a lot on the offensive side.

Johnson (center) Anchor of Holon,

These are two anchors that the group cannot do without.

Their great experience and their ability to put the ego aside made them the kind of symbols each in his club.

Braimo did not start the season in Jerusalem, but after a bad start the Reds from the capital decided to return him to a third (and fourth season in the league) during which he managed to stabilize the team. 

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