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At a politically sensitive time: the government will approve more than a billion shekels to strengthen Jerusalem - Walla! news

5/28/2022, 10:43:02 PM

After several years in which the government's decisions for Jerusalem Day were limited due to the lack of budget and the transitional governments, a new five-year economic plan for the capital and a plan to expand the activities of the Elad Association will be approved, which will include digging a new tunnel near the Temple Mount.

At a politically sensitive time: the government will approve more than a billion shekels to strengthen Jerusalem

After several years in which the government's decisions for Jerusalem Day were limited due to the lack of budget and the transitional governments, a new five-year economic plan for the capital and a plan to expand the activities of the Elad Association will be approved, which will include digging a new tunnel near the Temple Mount.

Yael Friedson


Sunday, 29 May 2022, 01:30 Updated: 01:36

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Rise of visitors to the Temple Mount.

(Photo: Police Spokeswoman) (Maariv)

The government will today (Sunday) approve a series of decisions to strengthen Jerusalem at a cost of more than NIS 1 billion, including a new five-year economic plan worth NIS 625 million and expanding the activities of the right-wing Elad organization in the east of the city

. The government's decisions for Jerusalem Day were limited due to the lack of budget and the transitional governments, this is significant news for Jerusalem. The government will approve an additional NIS 20 million for the restoration of the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue - a synagogue located in the Jewish Quarter that was destroyed during the War of Independence, and its reconstruction began in 2014.

Despite the sensitive timing due to the security and political tensions surrounding the flag parade, another decision that will go up for approval is a "complete" plan at a cost of NIS 16 million.

The plan includes transferring a budget to the "Shalem" complex - the City of David Visitor Center belonging to the Elad Association that works for settlement in East Jerusalem, as well as the quarrying of a new tunnel, the Ophel Tunnel, near the Temple Mount.

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A budget will be given for the digging of a new tunnel near the Temple Mount (Photo: official website, photo - Arnon Busani)

Another of the most prominent decisions that the government will make is the establishment of the "Lavi" plan - a continuation of the Jubilee plan approved in 2016 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem.

The new program, at a cost of NIS 625 million, will be approved for the next five years and will include the development of tourism and high-tech in the city and will also invest in the development of the academy.

In addition, it will continue to promote the transfer of the IDF College

to Jerusalem as decided in the previous plan.

Of the UNRWA (United Nations body providing services to Palestinian refugees) belonging to the JNF and about 48 classrooms can be built in it. The government will try to allocate the area to the village but this will be conditioned on the evacuation of the invaders.

Despite the security and political tensions surrounding the flag parade, the "Shalem" program will be approved (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

In addition, a master plan for an energy strategy costing NIS 60 million will be approved, which will include a pilot of the construction of solar panels in cemeteries to utilize the empty space for green electricity and a plan for treating waste and reducing air pollution at a cost of NIS 30 million.

  • news

  • Political-political


  • Jerusalem

  • The Temple Mount