The Limited Times

Champions League: boxer Estelle Mossely among spectators stranded at the gates of the Stade de France

5/28/2022, 9:54:49 PM

LE SCAN SPORT – The Olympic boxing champion was only able to enter the Dionysian enclosure at the end of the first period when she had a ticket.

Many spectators with tickets were unable to attend the start of the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Liverpool this Saturday evening at the Stade de France.

Major organizational and security problems forced UEFA to delay the kick-off of the match by more than half an hour.

To discover

  • Champions League fixtures and results

Read alsoTension, free riders and tear gas: scenes of chaos at the Stade de France before the Champions League final

Among the spectators who stayed in front of the gates was Estelle Mossely, Olympic boxing champion in Rio, reveals


Your ticket won't go through

,” a security guard told the athlete who had been waiting for quite a while.


The ticket does not pass, it's nonsense, I've been waiting for an hour

", annoyed the champion who was finally able to access the stand a few minutes before the end of the first half. .