The Limited Times

In Ukraine admit: "We may have to withdraw from the Luhansk region" | Israel today

5/28/2022, 8:18:48 AM

The governor of the province announced that the Ukrainian army is in danger of being besieged in the city of Sverdnojsk, while Russia is increasing its offensive in the region • More than 10,000 Russian fighters were concentrated on the fighting front

The Russian army continues to advance in the Luhansk region and repel the Ukrainian forces into the enclave they hold in the cities of Svrodonetsk and Lisichensk.

Luhansk Oblast Governor Sarhi Gaidi told Reuters today (Saturday) that the Ukrainian army may be forced to withdraw in order to avoid a siege.

"The Russians have not been able to encircle the city and the roads are open. We have enough forces to defend ourselves but we may later have to retreat so as not to fall into the siege," the governor said, adding that Russia had concentrated more than 10,000 fighters on the Luhansk district. .

Yesterday, Russian military forces were able to reach the territory of the city of Sverdnočka and the Ukrainians are finding it difficult to hold on to the suburbs of the city, ninety percent of whose buildings were damaged by a continuous Russian bombing.

The Pentagon yesterday confirmed Russian progress and claimed it was possible due to the "reduction of the battlefield" and the Russian army's focus on a specific point at the front.

Logistics experts claimed that Russia was using the crowded rail system in the Luhansk region to supply ammunition to its vast artillery array, without relying on its truck fleet, whose poor condition slowed the offensive momentum in other areas of the Ukrainian front.

Yesterday, the Ukrainians recorded an achievement on the air front when a Ukrainian Air Force fighter jet successfully intercepted an advanced Russian Sukhoi aircraft. Yesterday, the Ukrainians recorded an achievement on the air front when a Chai fighter jet into the Ukrainian air successfully intercepted an advanced Russian Sukhoi-35 aircraft.

The Russian plane provided air cover for the bombing operations of the Russian Air Force but was located and intercepted by a MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, which used guided missiles made in the West.

In a separate incident, the Ukrainian army's force managed to shoot down an advanced KJ-52 "Alligator" combat helicopter using a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile made in Poland.

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