The Limited Times

Weather and Traffic|The highest temperature today is about 32 degrees, it will rain in the morning and it will be hot for some time

5/28/2022, 10:30:49 PM

A high-altitude anticyclone is gradually covering southern China. Meanwhile, a southerly airstream brought showers to the coastal areas. Locally, a few millimetres of rainfall were recorded in the New Territories this morning. The weather forecast for Hong Kong today is mainly cloudy, with one or two in the morning

A high-altitude anticyclone is gradually covering southern China.

Meanwhile, a southerly airstream brought showers to the coastal areas.

Locally, a few millimetres of rainfall were recorded in the New Territories this morning.

The weather forecast for Hong Kong today is mainly cloudy with one or two showers in the morning, sunny and hot during part of the day. The maximum temperature in the urban area is about 32 degrees, and it is one or two degrees higher in the New Territories, with mild southerly winds.

The Observatory looks forward to sunny and hot parts of the next few days, and there will also be one or two showers.

The Transport Department said that due to urgent maintenance of water pipes, the only traffic lane on Jaffe Road (towards Causeway Bay) between Fleming Road and O'Brien Road has been closed. Motorists are advised to consider switching to other roads.

Due to the urgent maintenance of water pipes, the express line on Waterloo Road (towards Tsim Sha Tsui) near Argyle Street has been closed, and motorists can only use the slow line.

(Photo by Chen Yongwu)

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