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Weekly Horoscope: May 29 to June 4, 2022 - Walla! Wind and horoscope

5/28/2022, 9:12:55 PM

One can very cautiously say that there is a slightly different trend this week, a positive trend. Venus gradually restores to us the peace and quiet, the reconnection to the nature outside and the connection to the peace within us

Weekly Horoscope: May 29 to June 4, 2022

One can very cautiously say that there is a slightly different trend this week, a positive trend.

The cancellations, changes and misunderstandings are over.

Venus gradually restores to us the peace and quiet, the reconnection to the nature outside and the connection to the peace within us

Yair Tribalsky


Sunday, 29 May 2022, 00:01 Updated: 00:05

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Significant processes in the sky this week:

1. Mercury returns to normal gear.

2. Venus moves to Taurus.

Exact juxtaposition between Mars, the action star, and Jupiter, the planet of abundance and space.

The significant move in the sky this week -

Mercury is back in normal gear and although it takes time until it also returns to its normal pace, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

The cancellations, changes and misunderstandings are over.

The era of breakdowns in electrical appliances is coming to an end.

It is possible to return to routine, although as mentioned, the final effect will only pass in about a week or so.

Mercury is still in Taurus and it seems that Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio are the first to be affected by the change and the mood that is also changing and becoming more positive.

When Mercury returns to Gemini soon, the change will also come to the changing zodiac signs, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo - and even there things will start to move in normal gear - although Mercury's reverse gear affects us all, in one way or another.

By and large this means that it is now possible to return to our normal communication, end the process of closing the circles that Mercury has brought with it lately, and return to beginnings and initiatives.

Just keep in mind that this week things will still move slowly in terms of media - and here and there will also still run aground: not bad, we went through worse times than that.

Just patience - everything else comes as we see it for ourselves.

Who in particular will be affected by Mercury's reverse gear?

Now mostly the regular zodiac signs - Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, next week the changing zodiac signs - Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, and then all the rest.

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The cancellations, changes and misunderstandings are over (Photo: ShutterStock)

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This week's significant transition -

this is the emotional transition of Venus from the assertive and active Aries to Taurus belonging to the calmer, practical and basic earth element, which returns Venus - and with it the emotional world of us all - to stable ground.

Indeed, it can certainly be said that emotionally we went through a difficult period: Venus in Aries functions very differently from Venus which contains the empathetic and sensitive: now it is restless, combative and here and there also egocentric: power struggles and ego, aggressive attitude and need for control - all characterized by Aries in the last month.

Now, as she switches to Taurus which she controls, she gradually restores to us the peace and quiet, the reconnection to nature outside and the connection to tranquility within us that comes with a higher dose of touch and closeness, quiet words, embrace, and focus on simple facts rather than emotional storms and dramas.

In this emotional, simple and basic way, it will be possible from this week to start to relax and come back to ourselves, and to the delicate romantic love that is so characteristic of this luck.

Who will mainly be affected by this transition?

Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn.

The assertive angle of the week -

this is the juxtaposition between Mars, the star of action and action, and Jupiter, the star of abundance and space.

This is basically one of the most optimistic angles in astrology, but also one of the most reckless and reckless: Mars, which usually exaggerates the fortunes it is in and the planet to which it is attached, pushes the optimistic Jupiter to the edge in a wave of over-optimism and a sense that anything is possible.

Maybe that’s why this angle can expose us to small, annoying accidents, unnecessary quarrels and anger, and car accidents when we drive recklessly and recklessly.

Under this angle we may also spend money unnecessarily, buy unnecessary things, and waste resources because of a false sense of security that everything will come back to us.

Stock market adventures, reckless investments and even gambling of various kinds - these are also among the dangers of this angle: if we properly channel this energy and practically define our goals, we can benefit from the powerful energy and drive it brings to us.

Who will mainly be affected by the angle?

Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Weekly forecast:


Aries (Photo: ShutterStock)

March, your lucky ruler, clings to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and brings with him a wealth of energy for action and personal growth, but also over-optimism and carelessness.

Proper channeling of this energy will pay off big time.


Taurus (Photo: ShutterStock)

Venus, the control of your luck, emerges from the difficult angle with the passionate Pluto and moves on to your luck, and finally helps the Taurus return to himself, open his heart, and most importantly - return to the love, nature and indulgences you lack.


Gemini (Photo: ShutterStock)

Mercury, your lucky ruler, is back in normal gear - and it's time to end the process of closing the circles you've experienced in recent weeks and return gently to normal everyday life and familiar communication.


Cancer (Photo: ShutterStock)

The large constellation of Aries continues to power you up this week as well, but Venus' transition to Taurus allows for a more social and sociable approach - and the expansion of your social circles.


Leo (Photo: ShutterStock)

The sun, your luck control, continues to move in the media Gemini, and this week the Lions can meet quite a few new people and professional colleagues.

A good time to act smart, enterprising and social.


Virgo (Photo: ShutterStock)

Venus' transition to Taurus brings with it a week in which there is a strong need for personal expansion and growth.

The constellation of Aries warns of material and financial upheavals.

It's time to reorganize.


Libra (Photo: ShutterStock)

Venus, the control of your luck, leaves the stormy Aries and moves on to the calm Taurus.

This is a good time to act more practically, and allow Lonus to bring you back to more practical and less turbulent ground this week.


Scorpio (Photo: ShutterStock)

After a not easy angle of action between Pluto, your lucky ruler, Venus emerges from the angle and moves to Taurus, which inhabits the house of your relationship and relationship.

It's time to calm down, open your heart - and focus on love.


Sagittarius (Photo: ShutterStock)

The closeness between the aggressive Mars and Jupiter, your lucky ruler, may bring with it a strong drive for action, action, travel and expansion of various kinds.

Time for optimism and caution against over-optimism.


Capricorn (Photo: ShutterStock)

The emotional Venus shifts this week to Taurus and allows you to act a little more enthusiastically.

You are more creative, more enterprising and think outside the box.

You have accumulated a lot of energy recently - go out and implement new ideas.


Aquarius (Photo: ShutterStock)

Venus moves to Taurus, where Mercury is also changing direction and it seems that home and family issues require more investment and in-depth care in the near future.

The sun in your romance home helps open your heart.


Pisces (Photo: ShutterStock)

Venus is moving into your media house, and our minnow can now - along with Mercury who is also there - invest a little more in new verbal initiatives, in creative small talk and even in gentle but firm courtship.

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