The Limited Times

"Wedding at First Sight": Have we found the couple who will save the season? | Israel today

5/29/2022, 11:31:16 AM

Liad and Limor are the alternative and "different" couple, Guy and Matan continue to be the poster boys for straight homosexuality that will slip nicely down the throats of people stuck in the 19th century, and Daniel and Rinat refuse to admit failure

With a little luck, the new couple revealed in yesterday's episode will provide interest and blossom the wilderness that is season 5 of "Wedding at First Sight."

He - Liad, a single man who is no longer interested in single women, an elementary school teacher who says that every September 1st he gets up in the morning pain for 28 children, and what is it if not a synopsis of a horror film of the most horrible kind of them all.

Beyond being a multi-parent, Liad also rides a motorcycle and corresponds externally with the Christian Jesus.

But he's not sure he's aware of it, as he says he does not brush his teeth or do any action in front of a mirror.

The contemplative look and the crucified appearance make him look spiritual, which is probably why autonomous experts decided to marry Limor, a 38-year-old woman who claims to be a "satanic", a child of seas and festivals and a lover of "special and different" things like being thrown at the Midburn Festival - though That in 2022 it is difficult to think of evidence of a clearer conformism and lack of uniqueness than a trip to a desert festival, the danger of a sunstroke and a wallowing in the sand.

Yael describes Limor as "Perry Spirit" (most viewers translate this figure in her head to "lost"), but it turns out that along the way she also plans urbanly and takes part in the light rail works in Tel Aviv.

And just for that we wish her a failed matchmaking that fails and that she will pay for the fact that running and getting around in this damn city these days feels like getting caught up in a computer game.

They both raise a cat, which is a refreshing change this season, and really after so many dogs and their owners, it's time for another pet to get some screen time in prime time.

Sociopathic as you may be.

The two get excited about each other during the canopy ceremony (not before the friends tell him that Liad guessed that his intended bride will have a name for L.

Want to know what a bride on the run looks like?

Look on VOD for last season's wedding episode of Shay and Hadas.

She'll already teach you a thing or two about escaping.

Guy and Matan.

No interest here, Photo: Keshet 12

Another particularly successful match this season is that of Guy and Matan, the couple who seem to have been born for the purposes of accessing LGBT people for those who are still stuck decades back and need the closest thing to hetero-normativeness to slip this concept down their throats. The honeymoon, it's just a shame it means nothing to us. Seriously, what can we take from these two, waking up hugging, holding hands on Danny's couch and mostly making us want to stare at a paint drying on a wall. To try to inject a drop of interest into the story, they go to dinner With Guy's family, where they all become relationship counselors and provide advice for a good partnership.It is on the one hand very pretentious, but not sure their diagnoses and tips are any less good than those of Danny and Yael, based on what we learned from the previous four seasons.

Let someone stop it already.

Rinat and Daniel,

But there is also one dysfunctional pair this season, and these are of course Rinat and Daniel.

This time they meet with friends, who for some reason try to convince them to give this failed connection a chance, instead of doing what good friends would really do - put logic into the situation and advise them to end this nonsense and beautiful one hour earlier.

Not that there is a problem with a couple in a series that has no chance of success, God knows we have witnessed quite a few of these.

But these two also do not hate each other enough to produce a fascinating television.

The one who actually continues to benefit from the no-man's-land and lack of connection between Rinat and Daniel is the dog Sausage, Sausage or whatever you want to call him this time, which every conversation of Daniel somehow reaches him.

Give this dog a spin-off (or spin-off, if you will) already, its own series.

He's probably more interested in anything that's going on with my signature right now.  

Were we wrong?


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