The Limited Times

Uvalde: US Justice Department wants to investigate police action in school massacre

5/29/2022, 6:25:36 PM

The security forces have been heavily criticized after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. The US Department of Justice has now announced an investigation. President Biden visited the crime scene.

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US President Joe Biden and wife Jill visit the crime scene in Uvalde, Texas

Photo: Evan Vucci/AP

The US Department of Justice intends to launch an investigation in the face of apparent police negligence in the Texas elementary school massacre.

The authority announced on Sunday in Washington that the actions of the security forces should be scrutinized.

The mayor of the affected small town of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, asked for it.

The aim of the investigation is to create an independent report on the actions of the law enforcement authorities on that day and to draw lessons for other attacks.

The report should also be published at the end.

The review will be "fair, transparent and independent."

The 18-year-old killer killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in the small Texas town of Uvalde on Tuesday.

The attacker locked himself in with students and teachers in two connected classrooms and shot around there.

New investigative findings on the processes that day put the police under heavy pressure: they had remained inactive for too long.

What investigators have so far reconstructed on the basis of video recordings, witness statements, police communication and emergency calls is shocking.

The shooter entered the elementary school and classroom shortly after 11:30 a.m. local time and began shooting.

A few minutes later the first police officers were in front of the classroom.

Other officials followed.

Just after 12 p.m. local time, 19 police officers were stationed in the hallway outside the classroom.

The police stood outside the classroom door and did not intervene

Around the same time, students from inside the room began dialing 911 police in desperation, officials said.

Among them was a student who called several times in a row.

In a whisper, she first reported several deaths.

In another call, she said a little later that eight to nine students were still alive.

Still no help came.

40 minutes after the first call, the girl begged for the police to be called immediately.

Meanwhile, police officers outside the door were waiting for reinforcements, the Texas Public Safety Agency revealed on Friday.

The officer responsible was of the opinion that after the first shots were fired, no more children were in danger.

Now that's causing bewilderment.

It was not until 12:50 p.m. that emergency services entered the room – with a key that they had obtained from the caretaker – and killed the gunman.

More than 75 minutes after he opened fire inside.

Meanwhile, the attacker wiped out 21 lives.

17 other people were injured.

Relatives accused the police of saving lives.

US President Joe Biden traveled to Uvalde with his wife Jill on Sunday, where grief is increasingly turning to anger.

In front of the elementary school, the President and First Lady laid a bouquet - at an impromptu memorial with flowers, toys and photos.

The Bidens ran individually from picture to picture, touching the photos of the dead.

Later they wanted to meet relatives of the victims and survivors.


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