The Limited Times

VIDEO. “Indescribable chaos …”: English supporters recount their incredible evening at the Stade de France

5/29/2022, 4:25:44 PM

As they prepare to return home, Liverpool supporters told us of their anger after their evening at the Stade de France. I

“Please help us!


Michael tells how he asked the police to open the doors to them because there were several hundred supporters blocked in front of the Stade de France.

"But they ignored us," asserts the man.

The Liverpool supporters met on the forecourt of the Gare du Nord, as they prepare to take the train to England, are still reeling from the evening experienced at the Stade de France during the final of the Champions League.

“I'm angry because I missed half the game, explains James.

However, arriving at the stadium at 6 p.m., this supporter was blocked for four hours in front of the gates with hundreds of compatriots.

He only returned to the enclosure at 10 p.m.

“Some were trying to steal things, others were trying to jump over the barriers to get in without a ticket… Indescribable chaos…”, says the Reds fan.

Keith, another supporter leaving for Liverpool, criticizes the action of the French police.

“Women, children, we all received tear gas,” the fan wondered.

While the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin condemned in a tweet the abuses of "thousands of British supporters without tickets or with fake tickets who forced entry".

Keith assures him that it was local groups who caused the trouble: "They are the ones who caused the problems, not the Liverpool fans".

Shortly after the start of the match, our reporter on the spot noticed attacks and robberies by small groups which targeted Liverpool supporters.

Read alsoChaos at the Stade de France: “We could have had crush deaths”

Two years from the organization of the Olympic Games in France, the disorganization of this football final fuels political criticism against the government.

Marine Le Pen (RN) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) both attack Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Twitter.

What happened yesterday during the match is worrying.

We are not sufficiently prepared, while #Paris2024 is coming.

The methods of Minister #Darmanin and the prefect are not the right ones.


— Jean-Luc Melenchon (@JLMelenchon) May 29, 2022

An interministerial meeting is to take place on Monday, May 30, 2022, to help "identify the dysfunctions" of the evening which will go down in football history for the wrong reasons.