The Limited Times

Incidents at the Stade de France: justice opens an investigation for "massive fraud" with counterfeit tickets

5/30/2022, 4:43:43 PM

PARISIAN INFO. The prosecution opened an investigation following the report of the Paris police chief, Didier Lallement, two days after

Justice has opened an investigation following the report of the Paris police chief, Didier Lallement, for an alleged "massive fraud" with counterfeit tickets during the Champions League final at the Stade de France on Saturday, learned Le Parisien from judicial sources.

Read also Incidents at the Stade de France: traffic jams at the exit of the RER D, tear gas ... chronology of a chaotic evening

The investigations were entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of astute delinquency (BRDA) of the sub-directorate of economic and financial affairs of the police headquarters.

Darmanin denounces "a massive and organized fraud of counterfeit banknotes"

The Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid at the Stade de France on Saturday May 28 was marred by incidents before and after the encounter.

The kick-off of the meeting was thus postponed for more than half an hour after major hitches to access the Stade de France.

In a report submitted on Sunday, the prefect of police of Paris, Didier Lallement, had estimated that "probably between 30,000 and 40,000 people beyond the 80,000 eligible in the stadium" had presented themselves near the enclosure. dyonisian.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin denounced, on Monday, "a massive and organized fraud of counterfeit banknotes".

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