The Limited Times

Nottuln: Sparkling wine and jam stolen – burglars apologize

5/30/2022, 6:14:22 PM

Unknown people are said to have broken into a strawberry stall to steal jam and sparkling wine. But a little later the stolen goods were back – with a remorseful letter.

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Fresh strawberries (icon image)

Photo: Patrick Seeger/ dpa

Three young men are said to have broken into a strawberry shop in Nottuln near Münster.

The perpetrators later brought back their loot, sparkling wine and jam, along with a letter of apology.

'We're sorry.

We broke in here out of stupidity.

We regret it now in the end and apologize a lot.

We put everything back.

Sorry!« This is what the perpetrators wrote (in spelling that was not entirely correct) on a piece of paper which, according to the police, they left at the scene of the crime.

police investigated

The owner informed the Coesfeld police that sparkling wine and jam had suddenly returned.

However, the case is not over for the police.

She has instituted criminal proceedings.

Witnesses observed three young men between the ages of 15 and 20 who broke into the hut on Friday night.
