The Limited Times

Queen is said to be celebrating a birthday with great

5/30/2022, 5:01:56 PM

Harry and Meghan's daughter has never seen her great-grandmother. According to media reports, the celebrations for the Queen’s anniversary will be so far – possibly even on the little ones’ first birthday.

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The older Lilibet (06/13/2020): Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 70 years as Queen

Photo: Toby Melville / dpa


The daughter of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan is named after the family nickname of her great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II.

The two have never seen each other, but this weekend it should finally be time: The Queen should get to know her great-granddaughter, a year after the birth of little Lilibet.

This is reported by the »Times« and the »Sun«.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan want to come to England with the entire family for the first time since their retirement from the royal family for the Queen's anniversary, which will be extensively celebrated next weekend.

Lilibet's three-year-old brother Archie is also there.

The Queen last saw him as a baby.

Harry, Meghan and their children are to stay at Frogmore Cottage near Windsor Castle.

On Saturday, June 4th, little Lilibet celebrates her first birthday.

According to reports, she will then meet her 96-year-old great-grandmother.

Elizabeth II is said to have already canceled her participation in the Epsom Derby horse race scheduled for the same day.

It is said that she made this decision in order not to overstrain her strength.

The public is expected to see the Queen on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after Thursday's Trooping the Color parade and at the service in London's St. Paul's Cathedral on Friday.
