The Limited Times

Taiwan denounces a maxi incursion of 30 Chinese fighters

5/30/2022, 3:02:00 PM

There are 30 Chinese military planes, including 22 fighter jets, which have made a raid in the identification defense area (Adiz) of Taiwan, provoking the reaction of the air force. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BEIJING, MAY 30 - There are 30 Chinese military aircraft, including 22 fighter jets, which have made a raid in the identification defense area (Adiz) of Taiwan, provoking the reaction of the air force.

After the tensions over the words of US President Joe Biden on the defense of Taipei in the event of a Chinese attack, today's showdown is the largest of the 39 planes of last January 23: it could be a response to the visit of US Senator Tammy Duckworth to "discuss our bilateral efforts to promote security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, "island president Tsai Ing-wen tweeted.