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The CSD allocates 186 million to the Federations for the 2024 Paris Games: for the first time the aid is multi-annual

5/30/2022, 9:50:13 PM

The injection will mean a stricter control of the body chaired by José Manuel Franco so that the objectives are met and the 22 medals are achieved in the Olympic event

The Higher Sports Council will allocate almost 187 million euros (186,710,250) in aid to the Federations for the next three years.

It is the first time that the aid is multiannual, something that the Federations have been demanding for years.

They will thus be able to work in the long term (2022, 2023 and 2024) in the Olympic and Paralympic preparation for the 2024 Paris Games. With this measure (which will be approved in the council of ministers this Tuesday) it is


, on the one hand , the economic cycle, and on the other hand the difficulty that there may be when it comes to getting budgets.

The injection is made, therefore, with the forecast that it will not fall if there is an economic crisis.

The aid, to be distributed over three years in various concepts, is added to the 48 million from the Team Elite Spain program that was approved last February.

That is, an extraordinary investment of 16,000 euros per year to a list of athletes chosen by a technical committee and for specific projects.

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This is how Alberto Ayora, president of FEDME, celebrates the CSD measure and its multi-year nature.

“It is a new model that sports federations have been demanding for a long time, it is what we needed, tied to the Olympic cycle and the need to get medals.

One of the biggest problems we had before at the administrative level is that we started the year without knowing the resources we were going to have”.

And in fact, the Mountain and Climbing Sports Federation was one of the ones that went through the most trouble after the Tokyo Games because when they did the planning they did not know how much money they would have and for the last competitions of the year there was no more to pay for them.

From now on they will know how much money they can count on each year.

And the most important,

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Txus Mardaras, deputy director general of high competition at the CSD, tells that in the organization they have been working on this line of multi-year aid for seven months and that they shouted celebration when they had the approval of the Treasury.

“It is not only the amount, but also the fact that the long-term work had never been done.

It is a commitment of the CSD, we sat down to reflect after the Tokyo Games on the most important issues that had to be improved and we came to the conclusion that beyond the money and trying to increase the financing, it is that it be done more efficiently ”.

José Manuel Franco, Secretary of State for Sport, and Miquel Iceta, Minister of Culture and Sport, consider it essential.

The amounts that will be multiannual are: 57,886,750 per year in 2022, 2023 and 2024 for competition expenses and preparation of athletes.

100,000 per year for expenses of executive commissions, that is, so that the representatives of the Spanish federations can enter executive commissions of the international ones where the most relevant decisions are made.

1,500,000 per year will be for those federations that approve programs that are developed in the High Performance Center of León and other specialized High Performance Centers, another 2,250,000 for the national plan for sports technification, that is, investment in young people before they make the jump to the elite.

And finally, 500,000.00 per year for equipment in High Performance Specialized Centers,

The council of ministers will also approve the 1% subsidy for aid to athletes: 16 million euros that come from television rights.

About 3 will be used to pay the social security of high-level athletes and 8 to cover what was the old ADO scholarship.

The CSD's contribution to the payment of these scholarships was 62% in 2020 and reached 79% in 2021. This year its contribution will be one hundred percent.

José Manuel Franco explains to this newspaper that private contributions will continue to be made.

"But with this we guarantee that these athletes will not be left without a scholarship."

He also adds that the disbursement of almost 197 million for the next three years "entails greater control and greater demands."

The goal for Paris 2024 is 22 medals, the same ones that were harvested in Barcelona 92. In Tokyo, in the last Games, Spain got 17.

This is how Mardaras sums it up: “We are moving towards a more directed model and where we will be more demanding.

There is a group of 8 technicians each supervising 5-6 federations.

The goal is 22 medals for the Paris Games, there is money, if they are not achieved, explanations will be requested.

The idea is to penalize if the objectives are not met, objectives will be set from year to year, the fulfillment of which will be subject to review.

If they are not met, you have to analyze why.

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