The Limited Times

Right to the image of the Blues: Noël Le Graët and the advice of Kylian Mbappé spoke to each other

5/31/2022, 8:32:31 PM

Two months after Kylian Mbappé's refusal to participate in a sponsorship operation for the partners of the France team, his advice

The meeting finally took place.

More than two months after the boycott of Kylian Mbappé during a photo shoot for the partners of the France team, the advice of the PSG striker and the president of the French Football Federation (FFF), Noël Le Graët , met on Tuesday to discuss the convention of image rights for players with the Blues.

“It was understood that this convention, drawn up in 2010, requires modifications to be in line with developments in sport and modes of communication, explain Mbappé's advice in a press release sent to AFP.

The exchanges will intensify to lead to a new version of the convention ahead of the next World Cup, ”adds the same source.

In a "constructive and friendly" atmosphere, according to Mbappé's entourage, the two parties "shared the observation that the agreement should be reviewed every four years to be in line with developments in the sector" , continues the press release.

The FFF and the player's advice, lawyer Delphine Verheyden in the lead, had been meeting for several weeks to discuss a subject that had agitated the previous gathering of the Blues, last March.

“Small Misunderstanding”

After Kylian Mbappé's refusal to participate in a sponsorship operation at the Clairefontaine training center on March 23 to show his disagreement with the agreement signed by the Blues with the FFF for the exploitation of their image rights, Le President of the FFF Noël Le Graët had reacted by threatening the player to no longer receive income related to the image rights of the Blues.

During the press conference following his 3-year extension at PSG last week, the prodigy of the Blues then mentioned a “little misunderstanding” with the Federation, promising to “settle all this quickly with intelligence and respect.


“There will be a global meeting with all the players, and the lawyer, I will receive her when she wants, indicated Noël Le Graët two days later.

We have twelve sponsors, obviously everyone asks for Mbappé, it can be understood that at times he is annoyed.

We're going to settle this quietly (…) Maybe we need to review things a bit.

The dispute is therefore on the way to being resolved.

Kylian Mbappé will be at the Stade de France this Friday for the match against Denmark in the League of Nations.