The Limited Times

The double surname or single parent to all new born

5/31/2022, 1:31:57 PM

All the newborns will have the surname of both parents or, in the case of agreement, only that of one of them. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 31 - All newborns will have the surname of both parents or, in the case of agreement, only that of one of them.

The rule, resulting from the ruling with which the Constitutional Court declared the automatic assignment of the paternal surname illegitimate, will be effective from the day following the publication of the sentence in the Official Gazette.

The Council itself explains it in the reasons for the sentence filed today.

    The judges underline that the automatic attribution of the only paternal surname "translates into the invisibility of the mother" and is the sign of an inequality between the parents, which "verbs and impresses itself on the identity of the child".

All of this involves the violation of constitutional principles and the European Convention on Human Rights.

In any case, it is "urgent", argues the Court, that the legislator intervenes both to "prevent the attribution of the surname of both parents from involving, in the succession of generations, a multiplier mechanism" and to protect "the interest of the child not to see each other. given a different surname than that of brothers and sisters ".

On this last point, the sentence indicates a possible solution,

that is, that the choice of the surname attributed to the first child is binding with respect to subsequent children of the same couple.