The Limited Times

Expensive diesel fuel, fishermen protest in the center of Rome

6/1/2022, 12:34:28 PM

About 200 fishermen from all over Italy are demonstrating in Piazza della Repubblica in Rome. The goal is to draw the government's attention to fuel prices. Several posters confirming the discomfort of the category, "Eat healthy, buy Italian", but also "Caro diesel = dead fishing". Just this afternoon at 3.30 pm the meeting of the fishing table at Mipaaf with Undersecretary Francesco Battistoni is scheduled, as requested by various representative organizations. (HANDLE)

About 200 fishermen from all over Italy are demonstrating in Piazza della Repubblica in Rome.

The goal is to draw the government's attention to fuel prices.

Several posters confirming the discomfort of the category, "Eat healthy, buy Italian", but also "Caro diesel = dead fishing".

Just this afternoon at 3.30 pm the meeting of the fishing table at Mipaaf with Undersecretary Francesco Battistoni is scheduled, as requested by various representative organizations. 

Fedriga, Government-Regions action is needed on expensive diesel

"The protest of all the maritime industries of the country for the expensive diesel which, after the effects of the pandemic crisis is putting the Italian fishing sector in crisis, represents a cry of alarm to which the institutions are called to give an urgent response": acknowledges the President of the Conference of Regions, Massimiliano Fedriga, recalling that at the moment "many regional institutions are also taking action with support measures, but it is clear that joint Government-Regions action is needed".

On this front, recalls the president of the Conference of the Regions, the regional councilors will deepen the issue in the Agricultural Policy Commission and will meet the Minister Stefano Patuanelli.

Therefore, Fedriga informs, "the Conference of Regions will discuss the

Mayor of Rimini in Lamorgese, urgent to ensure safety

In light of the expensive diesel fuel that is weighing on the fishing sector and in the light of the nervousness that crosses the sector "in Rimini at the moment there have been no serious episodes as unfortunately we have witnessed in other maritime areas but the continuation of the blockade of fishermen, the closure of the fish market, the desolately empty stalls of the covered market outline a worrying picture, which can lead to the exasperation of operators in a fundamental sector for this category, especially in the absence of signs of support and closeness from the government ".

This is what the mayor of Rimini, Jamil Sadegholvaad and the municipal councilor for the 'blue economy', Anna Montini argue, according to which "the fishing sector is also fundamental for the entire tourism and food supply chain.

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